Diabetes: Identify Symptoms And Risk Factors

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Diabetes: Identify Symptoms And Risk Factors

Diabetes is a metabolic condition in which elevated blood sugar is characterised. Find out what are the symptoms of diabetes to know how to recognize diabetes.Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterised by elevated sugar in the blood. The most common is type 2 diabetes, which affects 90% of people with diabetes and usually occurs in people in their 50s or older who are overweight.

Type 1 or type 2 diabetes is excess blood sugar

Diabetes is linked to insulin deficiency and/or misuse. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose (sugar) to enter the cells (which keeps blood sugar 1g/L in the blood). The latter remains in the blood in excess, and this is hyperglycemia. To diagnose this, the fasting blood sugar level must be at least 1.26 g/L of blood in two consecutive doses. The most common types of diabetes are type 1 diabetes, known as “insulin dependent,” and type 2 diabetes in adults that are not insulin dependent.

Type 1 diabetes usually occurs primarily in children and adolescents before age 35. For reasons that cannot be explained yet, the immune system no longer recognizes and destroys insulin-producing cells.

Type 2 diabetes occurs in adults and most often occurs between the ages of 55 and 65. This is related to two mechanisms: insufficient insulin secretion and the cell’s insensitivity to its action (which is no longer very effective).

There are also intermediate forms (late onset type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes in obese children, diabetes secondary to other pathologies ..). Therefore, this disease can appear at any age.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes are the same regardless of age and usually occur suddenly within a few days or weeks, and as a rule, a child can pee in bed in a clean state and close his eyes with fatigue and dehydration. Adults also complain of dehydration.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes often evolves in silence because the first hyperglycemia and diagnosis can take up to 10 years or more. Development takes place in three stages over the years. Cells in the body first develop resistance to insulin, this stage is called insulin resistance, and then sugar accumulates in the blood. Then we switch to hyperinsulinemia. The organism tries to adapt. The pancreas will increase insulin production significantly. The last stage is insulin deficiency, which, after several years, the pancreas no longer secretes enough.

Risk Factors

Genetics plays an important role. If there were type 2 diabetes in one of the parents, the infant will be 40 percent too . If both have the disease, the risk goes up to 60%.”

Being overweight, excess fat in the blood (triglycerides, “bad” cholesterol), high blood pressure, and all cardiovascular risk factors are often associated with type 2 diabetes. You have gestational diabetes or have a big baby for women. The influence of lifestyle (formal lifestyle, unbalanced diet, smoking) cannot be ignored. Professor Gautier points out that people with type 2 diabetes may be at stake, those who have cut budgets on their diet, or belong to a rather affluent social class.