Constipation Treatment

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Constipation Treatment

If you go to the saddle less than twice a week, you will definitely suffer from constipation. This is a very common disorder, reflecting a slow intestinal movement (reduced stool frequency or volume). This problem is almost essentially feminine.

Definition and causes of constipation

Doctors have constipation when they go to the saddle less than 3 times a week, over weeks or months. In most cases, constipation is temporary. Anything that lasts longer than 6 months is called chronic constipation. In most cases, constipation is said to be functional and is caused by a combination of factors such as poor eating habits, insufficient hydration, stress, lack of physical activity, sailing, and more. Some drugs are anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants …

Constipation Treatment: Fiber, Water, Sports

To cure constipation, you first need to improve the hygiene of life. You should limit your intake of starchy foods and flour, for example potatoes or rice. Enrich your diet with products rich in vegetable fiber, such as vegetables, salads, fruits, cereals, or whole wheat bread. In fact, fiber has a strong water retention capacity that accelerates movement and increases stool volume.

However, some vegetables, such as artichoke, cabbage, or blossoms, contain hard fiber that can sometimes be poorly tolerated. Finally, if possible, you should practice regular physical activity and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. At the same time, it is recommended to drink enough about 1.5 liters of water per day. Physical activity (walking, gymnastics…) has a stimulating effect that can be very useful. Walking 30 minutes a day is ideal to keep your bowels flowing.

Constipation Remedy

Sometimes these hygiene-diet measures should be accompanied by medication. There are several types. In most cases, laxatives are recommended. It softens the stool to facilitate evacuation.  There are several types of laxatives.

Osmotic laxative: It appeals to water, increasing the amount of intestinal fluid, softening the stool, promoting evacuation. They are rather soft.

Ballast laxatives: When in contact with water, the intestines swell and increase the amount of stool to facilitate evacuation. They are also soft. However, you need to keep enough moisture. There may be side effects such as bloating and gas.

Lubricating laxative: It lubricates the contents of the intestine to soften the stool and accelerate its passage. There may be side effects including irritation of the anus and stomach cramps, and the risk of inhalation of lungs that are difficult to swallow or lie in bed.

Laxative Stimulation: Stimulates the motor skills of the intestine and reduces the reabsorption of water and electrolytes in the colon. They are used as a last resort and are not recommended for chronic constipation and pregnant women. Self-medication should be stopped after 1-2 weeks.

Constipation: When to Consult

In rare cases, constipation can be a symptom of an organic or endocrine disorder. Constipation persists;

  • There are other symptoms (fever, weight loss, blood in the stool, vomiting, anal or abdominal pain…).
  • You have other health problems (intestinal problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid disease, history of kidney or liver disease…)

You have to consult a doctor in this case. He can perform tests such as a colonoscopy or an X-ray to more accurately identify the nature of the problem. Treatment will be the treatment of the disease that causes constipation.

If you go to the saddle less than twice a week, you will definitely suffer from constipation. This is a very common disorder, reflecting a slow intestinal movement (reduced stool frequency or volume). This problem is almost essentially feminine.

Definition and causes of constipation

Doctors have constipation when they go to the saddle less than 3 times a week, over weeks or months. In most cases, constipation is temporary. Anything that lasts longer than 6 months is called chronic constipation. In most cases, constipation is said to be functional and is caused by a combination of factors such as poor eating habits, insufficient hydration, stress, lack of physical activity, sailing, and more. Some drugs are anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants …

Constipation Treatment: Fiber, Water, Sports

To cure constipation, you first need to improve the hygiene of life. You should limit your intake of starchy foods and flour, for example potatoes or rice. Enrich your diet with products rich in vegetable fiber, such as vegetables, salads, fruits, cereals, or whole wheat bread. In fact, fiber has a strong water retention capacity that accelerates movement and increases stool volume.

However, some vegetables, such as artichoke, cabbage, or blossoms, contain hard fiber that can sometimes be poorly tolerated. Finally, if possible, you should practice regular physical activity and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. At the same time, it is recommended to drink enough about 1.5 liters of water per day. Physical activity (walking, gymnastics…) has a stimulating effect that can be very useful. Walking 30 minutes a day is ideal to keep your bowels flowing.

Constipation Remedy

Sometimes these hygiene-diet measures should be accompanied by medication. There are several types. In most cases, laxatives are recommended. It softens the stool to facilitate evacuation.  There are several types of laxatives.

Osmotic laxative: It appeals to water, increasing the amount of intestinal fluid, softening the stool, promoting evacuation. They are rather soft.

Ballast laxatives: When in contact with water, the intestines swell and increase the amount of stool to facilitate evacuation. They are also soft. However, you need to keep enough moisture. There may be side effects such as bloating and gas.

Lubricating laxative: It lubricates the contents of the intestine to soften the stool and accelerate its passage. There may be side effects including irritation of the anus and stomach cramps, and the risk of inhalation of lungs that are difficult to swallow or lie in bed.

Laxative Stimulation: Stimulates the motor skills of the intestine and reduces the reabsorption of water and electrolytes in the colon. They are used as a last resort and are not recommended for chronic constipation and pregnant women. Self-medication should be stopped after 1-2 weeks.

Constipation: When to Consult

In rare cases, constipation can be a symptom of an organic or endocrine disorder. Constipation persists;

  • There are other symptoms (fever, weight loss, blood in the stool, vomiting, anal or abdominal pain…).
  • You have other health problems (intestinal problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid disease, history of kidney or liver disease…)

You have to consult a doctor in this case. He can perform tests such as a colonoscopy or an X-ray to more accurately identify the nature of the problem. Treatment will be the treatment of the disease that causes constipation.