Cloud Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages

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Cloud Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Cloud computing is a general term for providing hardware and software over the Internet. It does not define the scope in which the service is provided. It ranges from simple cloud storage, where users have storage capacity on remote servers in addition to their own hard disk space,

to cloud infrastructure where businesses have a complete data center over the Internet. The general term cloud computing refers to the provision of various hardware and software solutions over the Internet. CPU performance, storage space and software environment can be rented by users as needed to expand or replace their own infrastructure.


Cloud computing offers great benefits, especially for small businesses. Purchasing a clean IT infrastructure including servers is complex and expensive, and requires ongoing maintenance afterwards, so you need to ask for skilled workers.

Who has to pay. And in the best case, the data center grows with the company, which, depending on the demand, was not possible with traditional methods. Instead, policy makers must regularly purchase new equipment and estimate future demand. This means that we usually buy more resources than we need.

But without a data center, most companies can no longer operate. Cloud computing provides a solution that fits your needs. The hardware is then purchased and maintained by experts, and the company itself only needs a simple and inexpensive terminal for the employees that use it to access cloud computing offers.

Also, specialized server farms, such as those used by cloud providers, are usually much more secure than what you can get locally for your own business. Security personnel protect systems from physical access from outsiders, experts protect servers from digital attacks,

and fire protection experts ensure that data is not compromised by fire. Also, many cloud providers make sure to backup all your data.


However, because cloud computing also has its drawbacks, many companies are still reluctant to use it. For example, for some companies, lack of adaptation is a reason to reject the model.

Using other cloud providers sometimes depends somewhat on their configuration. If a supplier needs to close their business, there is inevitably a problem. It also requires a strong internet connection.

If this process is too slow or is interrupted regularly, your employees will not be able to work efficiently with cloud computing.

However, it is the data protection issue that is most likely to raise the question. There are two ways to do this. That said, it’s true that data is secure in the field, but transmission over the Internet always carries a security risk.

Other data security issues are often related to the location of the data center. European providers still adhere to local data protection regulations, but other international providers do not. For example, Patriot Law requires U.S. businesses to disclose data to U.S. authorities upon request.

Cloud computing companies sometimes leave sensitive data in the hands of other companies. Therefore, it is fair to be skeptical of them.

Of course, cloud computing is also not free, so users need to consider exactly what features they need, especially when they need it.

Companies tend to book more in the cloud context than they really need because their direct costs are very low. But these add up. But not always. For many providers, instances can be released in a short period of time as soon as they are no longer needed. This saves money.