
Cloud Services: Functions and Data Protections

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Cloud Services: Functions and Data Protections

Whether for personal or business use, an online storage and sharing service better known as the cloud makes it easy to securely store, sync and share your data. The first provider to rapidly popularize online data storage services for individuals and organizations was Dropbox.

However, there are many alternatives to Dropbox right now, and indeed, competitors quickly recognized the potential of cloud computing. But what’s the best alternative to Dropbox? And how do they look different or alike? In addition to famous names like Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft, there are many small vendors on the market.

Online storage

The term file hosting refers to serving files over the Internet. This includes the use of cloud or online storage, but what is cloud computing? This term initially indicates that the program runs on a computer connected to the network.

This means that the files are not only on the computer you are using, but also on a cloud server connected to your computer. Some interfaces allow coordination between a computer and a cloud server (or multiple servers) that together make up the computer’s cloud network.

Cloud functions

Cloud services allow you to store, organize and access your files from any device connected to the Internet. What you really need is a computer or mobile device and a good internet connection. Most providers allow you to manage and share documents, music, photos, and videos from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

So, these services are especially used to access data from anywhere, easily share documents with other users, or finally create file backups. Finally, online storage is of course popular and useful for teamwork. Files can actually be exchanged very simply, and others can edit them at the same time. It syncs automatically when files change.

Cloud and data protection

A significant number of cloud service providers have faced serious data protection challenges in the past. In fact, these attacks are not only relatively classic attacks by hackers accessing all kinds of data, but above all, scandals and questions about privacy were raised because the NSA allowed the U.S. National Security Agency to access Dropbox’s various user accounts. Occurred. Data in the cloud. In fact,

the problem with using online storage services is that it’s difficult to figure out exactly who can access your files from outside. For this reason, experts advise users to encrypt all files uploaded to the cloud service. Finally, sensitive data and folders should not be uploaded to the cloud in the first place.

The location of the server is particularly important to the company. In fact, the location on the server where the data is stored determines the data protection regulations that apply to these files. Most cloud servers are partially located in the United States, where data protection laws are more flexible than most European Union countries.

In general, storing personal customer data in the cloud is not recommended. Even if the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, which finally emerged in mid-2016, is the successor to the Safe Harbor Agreement passed by the same authority, the treaty should guarantee greater protection.

However, many critics are already criticizing this new data protection agreement, saying that European users may not be sufficiently protected, and that US authorities have access to European users’ personal data. So, if your provider’s servers are outside the European Union, we do not recommend storing personal customer data in the cloud.